Buddy By The Sea

For some people, a service dog not only brings this change but brings mobility, independence, and pride. It costs over $50,000 to breed, raise, train, and place one assistance dog. Buddy By The Sea's mission is to raise money for individuals who can not afford to get a Service Dog. They have linked up with these foundations; America’s VetDogs, GuideDog Foundation, Diabetic Alert Dogs of America, and more! For every purchase, 10% goes to their great cause. Wearing Buddy By The Sea we encourage you to be adventurous. You can make a difference. Loving just as unconditionally as your furry BFF! Learn more about how we are raising proceeds for service dog foundations.

Wear ‘Buddy by the Sea’ with pride in knowing you are making a difference in helping to bring these special life-saving dogs to all those in need.